71251 Standard Whip Finisher Large
(15 cm. long)

71252 Standard Whip Finisher Small
(10 cm. long)

71253 Improved Whip Finisher Large

71254 Improved Whip Finisher Small

71255 English Whip Finisher

71256 Dan Whip Finisher

71257 Revolving Dan Whip Finisher

  • All Whip finishers are made of stainless steel
  • All comes with individual instructrain card


71258 Brass Whip Finisher STD - Large

71259 Brass Whip Finisher STD - Small

71260 Brass Improved Whip Finisher Large

71261 Brass Improved Whip Finisher Small

  • The body is made of Brass
  • Each tool is packed with instructrain card

71262 Super Whip Finisher

71263 Classic Revolving Whip Finisher

71264 Brass Half Hitch X 3 Set

71265 Half Hitch Bead Head

71266 Brass Bodkin

71267 Brass Dubbing Twister

71268 Brass Hair Flair

71269 Brass Rougher

71270 Brass Threaded

  • All these tools are made of fine quality Brass
  • Nicely finish to give all the tools a fancy look with optimum utility

71271 Revolving Whip Finisher

71251      71252      71253      71254

71255      71256

71257   71258  71259   71260   71261

71262         71263

71264                    71265

71266   71267  71268   712690   71270