71451 Plastic Pin-on-Reel Large

  • Extension cord 80 cm. long.

71452 Plastic Pin-on-Reel Small

  • Extension cord 30 com. long.

71453 Metallic Pin-on-Reel Large

  • Extension cord 80 cm. long.

71454 Metallic Pin-on-Reel Small

  • Extension cord 30 cm. long.

71455 Plastic Pin-on-Reel Double

  • Two Extension cord each 60 com. long.

71456 Metallic Pin-on-Reel Deluxe with Heavy Clip (80 cm.)

71457 Plastic Stop-Go Pin-on-Reel Large (80 cm.)

71458 Plastic Stop-Go Pin-on-Reel Small (30 cm.)

71459 Plastic Fly Pin-on-Reel (40 cm.)

71471 Plastic Pin-on-Reel with Clip (Heavy) (50 cm.)

71460 Pin-on-Reel with Scissor Plier

71461 Pin-on-Reel with Nipper

71462 Pin-on-Reel with Leader Straightner


71464 Leader Straightner

71465 Leader Cleaner

71466 Nipper

71467 Nail Cutter

71468 Stream Thermometer

  • Available in centigrade and Fahrenheit scale

71469 Multi Function Tool

71470 Leader Dispenser Box

71451                    71452                        71453                      71454

71455                        71456               71457                 71458

71459             71471

71461              71462            71460

71464             71465

71466                  71467